Common Online Fitness Coaching Challenges and Solutions
Explore essential strategies for overcoming challenges in online fitness coaching, from client retention to effective communication.
This article is an in-depth look at the best techniques and tactics for online personal trainers to help them close sales and bring new clients into their fitness business. We've created this from our direct experience working for over a decade as online personal trainers. As a result of the techniques outlined in this article we've helped over 3500 fitness clients (and counting) over the years.
There is a lot in this article, but there is also a lot of value, so buckle up and get yourself a notepad.
Closing Sales - a phrase that conjures up images of a man in a cheap suit, on a garage forecourt, slapping the roof of a used Toyota corolla and saying ’she’s a real workhorse, I can do you a great deal if you buy today’. The art of closing sales (and it is an art more than it is an exact science) is given a bad wrap because of the sleazy folk that use the core principles of persuasion to shift useless crap to the unwitting masses.
Working on persuading people to purchase your coaching offer is just a necessary part of running a personal training business.
If you run a business that sells people something scammy or worthless get the hell off this page and get in the sea - or go to therapy and unpack what is motivating you to do that.
Now for everyone else who passed the 'phoney scumbag’ filter we can discuss closing sales with the understanding that working on persuading people to purchase your coaching offer is just a necessary part of running a personal training business.
You have to do it on the gym floor and you also have to do it as an online personal trainer. So where do you start in trying to figure out how to do it properly?
Here are 8 fundamental elements that comprise a good close:
1 - You have to believe that what you are offering and an online coach is truly valuable.
First of all you have to believe that what you are offering is truly valuable. This article isn’t going to be a ‘mindset’ manifest your destiny, self-talk, power pose self-help fest, there are going to be many practical actions that you can apply to your sales process, but I have to start with this because it is the core of everything. At the very foundation of every sale you close is the belief that your product is actually valuable to the person you’re selling it to. If you don’t believe it, how the fuck is a potential client meant to? In the context of your coaching you must back your ability to help people achieve their fitness goals through your coaching.
The easiest way to convince yourself of this is by having proof that your method works. This could be through helping people achieve similar goals in the past or going through that journey yourself - e.g you’re a guy who lost 100 lbs teaching other people how to lose 50+ pounds.
The only other way to gain real confidence as a coach is by educating yourself on the subject. This can be through books, qualifications or podcasts it doesn’t really matter what the medium is, what does matter is that the information is high-quality and that you are consistently putting in the effort to learn, so you can better help your future clients.
If you are reading this and going ‘oh, err, um I don’t know' then you either have some learning to do as a coach, or you’re one of those people who are too harsh on themselves. Remember, to be a valuable coach you only need to be one step ahead of someone in their journey. If this is the case you can genuinely help guide them closer to their goals, and that is valuable.
2 - Understand the lead's journey to get to this point
If reading the word ‘leads’ has you confused then go back and read our ‘getting leads’ article. If not then we can move to the second part of any sale close and that is understanding the lead's journey to get to you.
One of the down and dirty secrets of ‘closing' is that you’re basically always closing, from the moment someone sees your ad or stumbles across your social media page
There are many ways a person can end up in a discussion with you about your coaching services.
Here are a few examples:
‘I came across your instagram a few months ago and like your content’
‘I saw your ad and thought why not check it out?’
‘My best friend is working with you and she got amazing results - I want to achieve exactly the same thing as her, where do I sign up?’
‘Im at the end of your 14 day challenge, what’s next?’
‘You messaged me on facebook - I don’t know you, who are you?’
As you can see these people are at very different stages of understanding who you are, the value you provide, and their willingness to work with you. In order to get them to the point that they might want to pay you to coach them they are going to require different conversations.
This is why the best closers DON'T USE SCRIPTS - you need to be sensitive to the leads needs and to where they are in the journey of becoming a client.
One of the down and dirty secrets of ‘closing' is that you’re basically always closing, from the moment someone sees your ad or stumbles across your social media page - so you need to factor that into your assessment of a potential lead before you get into a sales conversation - how much do they already know about you?
3 - Establish authority
This is the first step to gaining a potential client's trust and belief in you. Simply put, you have to convince them that you know your shit. This step should already be taken care of in most closing situations - the lead has seen some content that you’ve put out there, they’ve been referred from a friend, maybe they’ve even had a free taste of your coaching (the 14 day challenge that we recommend every online business uses as the crux of their sales process) and now you’re in the situation where its time for them to decide if they are going to pay after their trial period is up.
In all of these they will probably have some understanding of your expertise. So why include it in the article?
Well, I include it here is because is an essential part of someone making a buying decision and if it isn’t something you’ve ticked off then the rest of the sales conversation is useless. This is why outreaching random strangers on social media is such a low yield strategy - they don’t have a clue who you are.
If a verified Usain Bolt cold outreached an aspiring sprinter and said ‘hey I’m selling a program - you want in?’ they would leap at the opportunity. And what is the difference between you and Usain Bolt? Well...probably a lot..but in the context of this sales situation it’s that Usain Bolt has significant authority in the eyes of an aspiring sprinter that you just don’t have.
So, before we dive into any other strategies or aspects of closing make sure the person you’re speaking with understands that you are an authority when it comes to the fitness goal they are trying to achieve.*
*Being an authority can simply mean one step ahead of them in their journey
4 - Set the frame of the conversation
Here is where it gets a little more tactical when it comes to closing a sale. People naturally have their barriers up to conversations surrounding parting with their hard earned cash (largely due to the scummy bastards mentioned at the top of this post) so it is up to you to frame the conversation in a way that lowers those barriers a little and makes the ‘close’ more of a two-way chat.
This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of your sales strategy because this ‘framing' is most commonly taught in the form of jumping on a sales call the moment a lead enters the virtual door, or just adding them to your email list and putting out little pieces of bait every few days, in the form of emails, and hoping you get a nibble.
Neither option is optimal.
With the sales call there is a huge mismatch between consumer readiness and appropriateness of the sales approach to the audience - when was the last time you bought something fitness related over the phone?
Trying to get someone on the phone prematurely is going to come across as pushy. On top of this if you fill your schedule with sales calls then you don’t have any time to do the job you actually signed up for - coaching people.
With the email list the problems are a little different, whilst its the least pushy method its not going to overcome the inertia of the ‘on the fence’ potential customer and you’ll leave a ton on the table with no reliable way to actually generate a ‘yes or no’ decision - something that is really important in the world of sales and running a business.
The strategy that we suggest, and the one that we used to scale Propane Fitness to a 6-figure online fitness business is this idea of the 14 day challenge. This really is the best of both worlds - trust us, we have tried just about everything else.
You get the personal side of the sales call, you build a ton of authority, you provide value upfront, you get to address any pain points or limiting beliefs over the course of 14 days, you show them the possibilities if they work with you and you create a reasonable deadline for a decision without coming across as pushy. It ticks off every aspect of a good sales close and is the best frame we have found for selling people online coaching.
If you are going to go against your best interest and go for sales calls, or if the situation demands it (because sometimes a kindly stranger will message you and ask about prices or working with you and a call might be the best option) this principle of framing is still vital. Correct word choice can be the difference between a tooth grinding, desperate pitch and a pleasant discussion.
For example:
Lead: Can I find out a little more about your services?
Here are two potential replies to this outreach message:
You: Sure, we only work with people we know we can actually help so let’s jump on a call and I’ll get to know a little more about your situation and how we can help you achieve your goals.
You: Sure, let’s get on the phone and talk prices and what the programme entails.
Its a small difference in the big picture of your business and the customer journey BUT it can totally shift the experience of the conversation for the lead, and for you. By mentioning price first you are betraying that you actually care about the money more than you care about the customers goals, and that is fatal.
All of the conversations you have with leads about your coaching - up until the moment you actually make the price offering (which we’ll discuss further along this article) should be centred around how you can BENEFIT THEM.
This isn’t manipulation because here’s the secret - if they are a good fit for your services then it will be helpful for them.
5 - Provide Meaningful Value for FREE
This is a key part of any online-only business model (in which physical products are not shipped). The reason you need to do this is
You are selling a result for your client. A lot of people think they are selling their time + their expertise. They do factor into your offering but at the end of the day a fitness client doesn’t give a crap about either of them as long as they get the result.
Providing value upfront in the form of a free 14-day challenge/transformation/kickstart/launch gives you a platform to prove that YOU are a real solution to THEIR specific problems and they can actually experience that through the 14 day taster working with you.
Sales calls can provide value meaningfully in the form of consolation and goal-setting but they can’t be done en masse so their potential value is much smaller than a free group challenge setting where you can be giving value to 100 leads at once. You might be reading this and thinking‘Why the hell should I do something for free? I need to make money dammit.'
The answer to this is multi-dimensional but at its core it's that:
This - again - is why the 14 day challenge is the ideal vehicle for closing a potential lead.
In the course of the 14 days you spend enough time in front of someone (even though this becomes largely pre-recorded over time) through videos and through responding in comments that they can understand not only that you aren’t a total bullshit artist, but that there is nuance and specificity to what you are offering.
6 - Empathise with their frustrations and reflect that back at them
You have set the frame for the conversation and decided to provide potential leads value through whatever your preferred context is (it should be a 14 day challenge). Now what? Well, it's time to get to work showing your leads that you understand their specific pain points by placing those pain points and limiting beliefs in front of them.
Here is an example plucked from the annals of Propane Fitness. This story was part of an email series sent out during the 14 day challenge.
'I used to hate Friday’s - not because I loved my accountancy job and couldn’t bare the thought of leaving for the weekend, but because 3pm every Friday signalled the start of the dreaded ‘work drinks’.
This, I believed, would totally ruin my macros for the week, and all the effort in the gym under the barbell, and in the kitchen measuring of cups of rice would feel like it was totally wasted the moment the foamy head of a Carlsberg touched my lips.
The pressure from higher-ups to participate in the fun was too much to ignore, I couldn’t just say no, it would reflect badly career wise. Then again, I was spending so much time planning out meals and micromanaging my reps and sets that each sip of hoppy lager was almost painful.
One Friday I found myself in the staff bathroom pouring pints down the toilet bowl in a cubicle instead of drinking them. A manager walked into the restroom.
“What’s going on Jonathon?” I heard, crouched over, half-empty pint tilted into the bowl.
Instead of fessing up I found myself in the bizarre position of lying, trying to save face by saying that i’d thrown up.
Ludicrous. From thereon out I was considered the office lightweight, which caused great amusement all round considering I was this bulky powerlifter.
Of course, looking back, I could have avoided it all by understanding that macros only matter in a broader context of a week, or month, not day to day. Then, using my accountant brain, I could have simply budgeted calories better throughout the week to make room for the slight spike on a Friday. I was locked in a mindset of ’trapped’ - feeling frustrated and unable to do anything to overcome the obstacle in my way. It wasn’t until a coach of mine prodded at my false beliefs a little that I could unlock a better way of doing and thinking about my macros. '
This story is a powerful closing tool because it demonstrates 2 key parts of a good close:
It’s not about making people feel like shit until they are desperate to pay for your help, It's about overcoming the excuses people make to themselves that prevent them from achieving the life they want to achieve - e.g ‘it’s not that bad’ or 'I’ll start next Monday’.
From a sales perspective it nudges you closer to a payment. From a coaching perspective it's a vital part of getting results for clients. To be an effective coach you need to understand those mindsets and pitfalls, put them in front of a client and unpick them. That way you can get to the root cause and actually address it.
7 - Show them the vision - lead them down the path of possibility.
Now you have empathised with and emphasised the pain of your lead's current situation it is time to show them what is possible with your guidance and how, loosely, they can get there.
This is the second half of the one-two punch that means KO for the doubts of someone thinking of working with you. Cheesy boxing analogies aside the combination of these two aspects are really the keys that give a prospect everything they need to make an informed decision about working with you.
There are multiple ways you can do this second part - showing them the vision:
All of these are good options and the best vehicle to pack them all into is a…drum roll please…14 day challenge!
Simplicity is usually the best approach to anything in life - so why suggest 4 simultaneous methods here?
Firstly, because they stack on top of each other in terms of building perceived value from your prospect’s perspective. Secondly, people in the same niche, struggling to achieve the same goal will still receive information in differing ways.
With each new day of the 14 day challenge not only can you build on the authority you have the last day but you can present key ideas in slightly varied ways to your target market. This stretched out across 14 days allows you to hit the audience from multiple angles and gives you a higher chance of exposing them to that revelatory moment where they begin to feel that their wildest hopes and dreams may be possible under your tutelage.
That is the moment that can prompt a buying decision the ‘Oh I never looked at it like that, that makes so much sense’ jolt that shifts a lead's perception of you, and themselves.
In the context of the other two more conventional methods of closing a sale you can still achieve these moments and use the 4 listed tactics.
In a sales call you can do most of these pretty effectively - but, you have all the time sucking pitfalls of having to be on sales calls all day and you cannot deliver them a standard fitness result over the course of a 30 minute ‘discovery call’.
In an email list you can do every single one of these - but there are no boundaries placed on when it is time to start working with you as a coach, and you’ll get people that love what you do and trust you deeply but always sit on the fence in terms of taking that next step and paying to work with you.
This last part is key and is an aspect of the final principle - your sales process should be set up so that people have to make a yes/no decision about working with you.
8 - Manage the offer optimally - the correct balance of excitement, deadline, trust and price.
If you have ticked off all 7 previous aspects of closing a sale - it’s time to address the thing that most people think of when they hear ‘closing’ and that is making the offer itself. This is the nerve wracking moment that you ask someone to hand over their cold hard cash in exchange for your services.
Before we delve into specific techniques I want to talk about mindsets that can make this part of making a sale difficult for you as a business owner
1- You don't believe in the worth of your coaching
The first one we have already talked about but I'm going to say it again because it is so important. If you go to offer someone your coaching skills at $100 (whether that’s in a pre-recorded video or on a phone call) and you aren’t certain that it’s worth that then you will tell them the price with enthusiasm and conviction of a wet cloth.
You could have the best offer in the world but if you tell them with nerves and doubt in your voice then alarm bells will ring in their head. This is one disadvantage of online, a certain level of inherent mistrust, people are looking for a reason to mistrust you, especially if they have been burnt by industry fads before.
As for overcoming this fear that it isn’t ‘worth’ what you’re charging. We have already talked about a couple ways of overcoming this but one more is simply knowing that the best performers in the world in every single category all have coaches. It is a simple fact of excelling in reality - it’s actually self-destructive to not hire a coach/mentor. So from that perspective you are providing an incredibly important service to someone and your coaching, if effective is worth 10x what you charge.
2- You think trying to get someone to make a buying decision is inherently ‘pushy'
Number 2 is very common for people that have themselves had negatives sales experience. You understand how shitty it feels to be rushed and have all these obvious sales and pressure tactics used on you, so you blanket the entire process of trying to convince someone to buy something from you as skeezy.
To combat this, a simple shift in the goal of ‘closing’ can help. Is using things such as deadlines/limited offers pushy? The full and truthful answer is yeah, it kinda is, but not in a way that is unfair to the potential client. All you are looking for from a lead, at the end of your 14 day challenge/sales conversation is a YES, or a NO - NEVER, or a NO - NOT RIGHT NOW. That is the goal - to take them from a place of maybe to a yes or no. This means they still get completely free choice, but they do have make a decision.
All the constraints we suggest you employ surrounding your offer are to that end. This is because ‘maybe’ fucking sucks. Maybe turns the smooth tarmac runway of your day-to-day sales process into a muddy swamp that you have to slug through and you end up chasing loose ends and mirages half the time.
It also gives your client the comfort of inaction - which is why they probably came to you in the first place - to overcome their addiction to the comfort of inaction and achieve their fitness goals. By leaving the sales conversation consistently open-ended you are doing them a disservice.
3 - You are pushy
Number 3 doesn’t normally occur in the context of a 14-day challenge, it’s hard to come across as pushy when you’re giving something valuable away for free for two weeks and then asking for money to continue. What it does look like however is making the conversation/content in your challenge so aggressively centred around collecting payment at the end that the content in the challenge is diminished in value.
‘Pushiness' usually occurs when there is a mismatch in timing between the lead’s trust and excitement and the coaches timing of the offer.
The best moment you can make an offer to any individual lead is at the sweet spot where their trust in your expertise, and their excitement are the highest. Trust linearly builds with consistent exposure to reliable information. Excitement is always highest at the very beginning. So it seems they are in direct competition with each other. This is somewhat true but there is a way around it. The way around it is that you manufacture excitement at a point of ‘enough’ trust (enough meaning they see you as a valid authority on the problem they are trying to solve).
Excitement is usually a result of new information/a new feeling of possibility. This is where baking a measurable result into the 14 day challenge pays dividends. If they get to day 14 and they can say concretely that ‘x’ metric has improved (and this can be anything at all) AND you show them the success of others that have worked with you over time, AND you offer them a really cool coaching package, their excitement will be through the roof and so will their trust.
4 - You are a pushover.
The person in this camp will capitulate to any demands a lead makes and give up on trying to sell the moment there is mild resistance or pushback during a sales pitch. For obvious reasons this mindset doesn’t work for growth. It leads to instability and undervaluing your services. You end up giving too much away for too little and the growth of your business is hamstrung by messiness and over-delivery. You also leave a lot on the table by not pushing back and looking for a solution that works mutually for both of you. Go into the pitch with clarity on the numbers and boundaries of your offer.
This leads us onto the offer itself.
A good offer comprises 3 core things
Reasonable pricing positioned favourably
Reasonable pricing is fairly self explanatory. The price you charge has to make sense within the context of the income of your niche and their level of commitment to their goals. For an NBA basketball player client charging $10'000 for a super detailed, 7-day a week training program makes complete sense. Upping the level of their game can be the difference between $600’000 a year and $2’000’000 so $10’000 is a perfectly reasonable outgoing. Lebron James spends in excess of $1’000’000 every year maintaining his body. I say this to demonstrate that there is no fixed price for fitness training - you can charge whatever you want. However, if you pitched the same 5 figure coaching package to a brick layer that works 60 hour weeks and just wants to figure out how to stop packing on the pounds you’d be told to serve yourself a fuck-off notice with a cherry on top.
So what should you charge?
Through over a decade of doing online fitness coaching and helping hundreds of other coaches with their businesses we have found that most target markets that actually buy coaching will spend between 2000-4000 GBP per year on their fitness. This includes a gym membership and all the sports clothing and health foods etc.
What are the base costs that can’t be replaced by your coaching?
Gym memberships average out at 600 gbp per year. Special health items like protein shakes/ choosing healthy salad options etc are normally around 300. If someone buys some shoes and workout clothing fairly regularly that’s another 300.
This totals 1200, giving you a potential yearly rate from a single client of anywhere between 800 and 2800. If you pitch those numbers in most gyms as an offline PT you will be met with hefty resistance. So how come people end up spending that?
The answer is through monthly recurring pricing. This where the favourable positioning comes into play. It’s a rudimentary psychological tactic. If you tell someone a number that sounds big, it's scary, if its two numbers that are smaller with a multiplication sign in the middle the emotional side of the brain (that makes most buying decisions) sees it as more reasonable.
Another element of favourable positioning is selling a package upfront that isn’t a recurring commitment, but goes to recurring if a client wants to continue after the period is up. This is an additional layer to the packaging of that 800-2800 yearly cost and it only increases the likelihood of acquiring a client with this yearly value.
We have found that having the boundaried upfront offer is actually more convincing in most cases because it gives people a tangible deadline to have achieved a goal. Obviously everyone deep-down understands that fitness is a lifetime thing, its just having a not-so-far-away better life is more compelling than committing to an infinite effort with uncertain end date . On top of this, If your coaching is effective the vast majority of people that buy the first package will continue on in a recurring capacity (unless they have achieved their forever goal). It is just this initial period is required to build even more trust, and see some larger differences that just aren’t feasible in a 14-day period.
An incentivised deadline
An incentivised deadline is a reduced price, or expanded coaching offer that has an expiry date.
For example: “ We usually offer the 6-week muscle builder package for 250 pounds BUT for members of this challenge who buy within the next 48 hours you will get it for 150!”
“The muscle builder package is usually a 4 week program for 150 - however, people who buy in the next 48 hours will get double the coaching time, so 8 weeks for the price of 4!"
It is another psychological trick - but it works, and it gets more people in the No or Yes camp by the end of the sales conversation.
As we have said before this is hugely beneficial to both parties involved. Time sensitivity forces more people to make the commitment they need to in order to achieve their goals and it makes your business decisions far clearer as you can look at data without telling yourself
"ooh but Clara is meant to be buying on Sunday, and then Keith says that once the divorce has been settled and his finances are in order he’ll be able to commit to something more long term."
Having people segmented into yes or no makes it a whole lot easier to analyse the success of a sales process. Any extra stuff that comes down the pipeline is just gravy on top of the money you collect directly after your pitch.
Clarity on the service delivered
People need to know what they are getting when they sign up - be very clear, itemise so they feel like they can trust in what they are going to receive when the money from their bank account gets delivered to yours. Be open and honest with your pitch about how the items included are going to help the lead achieve their goal.
E.g. In the Muscle Builder package you will get:
This is usually best done through not only discussing with them during your pitch - but having this stuff clearly lay out in the form of a sales page. This article doesn’t have the scope to cover that, but look out for some articles coming soon that discuss the key features of a good sales page.
Closing thoughts
So that - in so many words - is the best recipe for success in your sales and closing process as an online coach.
In the course of writing this several things occurred to me that didn’t necessarily fit in the main body of the piece, however they are pertinent to the sales closing process, so I list them here as endnotes to reflect on as you continue to refine your closing skill set.
- Do not sell to people that do not suit what you’re offering - it isn’t worth the headache down the road
- Do not sell to people that haven’t got the funds to pay for your coaching. They don’t have the funds, they can’t pay. It's a wasted conversation.
- Emotional intelligence, a dash of assertiveness, and belief in your product, and in most contexts you will close sales AS LONG AS your offering is a good fit for the person.
- The best way to get better at sales conversations is by having real sales conversations with real leads - nothing else comes close.
- Sales is not a game where you win the majority of the time - don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t getting a ton of ‘yes’. You only need to get ‘yes' to the point that your business is running profitably.
- The best salespeople are emotionless to a 'No ' result. They are analytical if there is a consistent lack of success, but they are not emotional.
- Conversely they do tend to ride the highs - confidence is key and its just how the game works, you’ll find you get one sale and may put together a really strong run of multiple sales in a row.
- Understand that in the big picture the highs and lows usually average out. What is essential to focus on is the process. If you are putting yourself in the best position to win each and every time you find yourself in an offer-making situation then you are doing it right.
I know this is a lot to absorb in one sitting so I would suggest a few re-reads and some note taking. I would also suggest you seek real mentorship and help with this. The top performers in the world in absolutely every single category get coached at some point. This isn’t because they aren’t capable on their own, but because it saves so much time and wasted effort. Learn from other’s failures so you don’t have to fail yourself. Humans are best when working with other humans, we are not successful in a vaccum, we are all standing on the shoulders of giants. Having your ego or protective mechanisms tell you that ‘you don’t need anyone else’s help’ is cutting your nose to spite your face.
If you want to take the next step and figure out how to make all of this work for your business, then you can always book a call with us to discuss being part of the Propane business Program. We find that the people that spend time reading articles or listening to podcasts are the more successful coaches in the program. It's a mindset thing - if you sought out this article its a signal that you may have the kind of agency required to run a business successfully, so you get to queue-jump with priority booking slots for our most popular times.
To do that email with the subject heading Business Website.
Alex Williams - Propane Business Community Manager
If now isn't the right time to book a call (it probably is, you may just be procrastinating) then you can always read through out articles - check out some of them below:
*DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above and in this training are our personal sales figures or sales figures of our clients. Please understand our results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this training.
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